small SigneT line drawing Printed from SigneT Class Owners Association website at

Chapter 1: "Before You Can Finish First – First You Must Finish"
by John Panting

It was my birthday the 5th December. 60 years young!?
Surely you have guessed already?
Yes of course you have. My present?
A sailing dinghy.
Well, not quite – actually a sailing dinghy - self assembly kit.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have dreamed of building my own dinghy since I was 21 years old. It’s just that I am so unprepared. What does it mean?
I have to have somewhere to build it. The garage!!!?
The garage is full dear Liza dear Liza,
the garage is full dear Liza dear Liza, it’s full!
Then empty it dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry,
then empty it dear Henry, dear Henry empty it!
Where shall I empty it dear Brenda dear Brenda,
where shall I empty it dear Brenda, where?
A shed dear John dear John, dear John
a shed dear John dear John, a shed.
I think you have the ‘drift’ or do I mean ‘set’.

Next I have to buy a shed (to put all the garage stuff in).

Then there is the epoxy. It takes forever to set if below about 16°C (62°F). So insulate the garage and find an electric heater. While the garage is empty I might as well paint the concrete floor. (I have been meaning to get round to that since 1976). I will need more lights also.

Ok now I am ready to open the box
Before that you must be wondering as I:
What about the mast, the boom, a trailer, boat cover, paint, the rigging not to mention the sails?
Where shall I sail her?
Should I enter races?
Where do I get a sail number from?
When should I insure?
Who will crew for me?

Then there are:
Trestles, a carpenter’s square (that is square), and a dozen or so clamps.

Best learn the language first though.
Scarf, chine, carlins, knees. What are they?

The box of bits arrives Tuesday 16th December 2008.
The Shed arrives Wednesday 17th December 2008.

It’s a SigneT 12’ 5” overall & 5’ 0” at the beam.

Oh crikey what name shall I give her?

Luckily we are going away over Christmas, else a would have no time to open my presents.

By John S Panting, Alias "JP"

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