small SigneT line drawing Printed from SigneT Class Owners Association website at

Chapter 3: "Sailing in SunseT" by John Panting

It’s August 2009 – 8 months since my 60th birthday present - a SigneT dinghy. Time is a non-reusable resource but it still slips through my fingers. The dinghy is still in the garage (renamed the ‘boatyard’).

Things have moved forward or do I mean topsides down. Before epoxying the decks (which would then have been vulnerable to damage) I decided to flip her over and pay attention to her bottom. This involved a block and tackle secured through her centre board slot and a reluctant and nervous (wife) Brenda. With lots of ‘safety foam’ on the floor over she went without a hitch (the boat not Brenda).

Once the work on her undersides was completed we flipped her back. (I do hope this is the last time I see her topsy turvy). Now I could put the side and aft decks on the night before I went on holiday. Bit of a stressful rush but it was done and I left her with all sorts of weights spread over her side decks to hold them down.

We were in Spain for 10 days. Every day I had a vision of the boat bending in the middle under the weights. We returned home and up went the ‘boatyard’ door before the front door was opened. There she was laden with undisturbed curves. Relief.

Now I needed to order the spars (mast and boom). These I am due to pick up from Plymouth (Queen Anne’s) on the 14th. The mast is 20ft (6.5m) but I have a roof rack and a 12ft (3m) ladder to act as support and I will try and avoid the pot holes.

Next I need some sails

1 main, 1 headsails and a Spinnaker (in case Mark or Gerry ever sail in her).

The sails can be cut from 3 different types of cloth and you guessed it with three different price ranges. The sails are due mid-September.

Oh yes I have her Sail number, ST924 and yes I have named my SigneT she is " SunseT ".

So I hope to be "Sailing in Sunset" before my 61st Birthday.

By John S Panting, Alias "JP"

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