small SigneT line drawing Printed from SigneT Class Owners Association website at

Chapter 5: "It is not all over" by John Panting

The summer is over and the project is now in its tenth month. The sun has gone down over the hills and the nights are again drawing in.

The wood 'epoxying' stage is over and has come to a satisfactory end and it’s fair to say I have sweated over but enjoyed the challenge of building a dinghy.

I’ve resisted right from the start to record the overtime spent on this build but it’s massive. However, I have noted, over the months, that I prepared and stuck in place over 120 separate pieces of wood to arrive at what is now, a rewarding form, which is unmistakably that of a SigneT.

Despite this, the build is far from over, as the whole carcase has yet to be covered over and over in epoxy to form a waterproofed result. Then two coats of paint (topcoat over the undercoat) to the bottoms and hull sides. Then the topsides and cockpit varnished over to finish the coatings.

There is something very nauseating in covering the same ground four or more times over and over but the hope of a rewarding outcome has so for overcome this feeling and the accompanying knee and back pain.

Oh yes, I have forgotten to mention that I keep turning over in my mind the irrational fear that it's all going to come unstuck after its launch. The dinghy fills with water and rolls over. I go over the side. Leaving me drifting over to the bank with only my face bobbing in the water like a starboard hand buoy. Then I wake up and realise - it is not all over!!!!

By John S Panting, Alias "JP"

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